Highfell Edits + Uncorrected Proof

I finished the final edits on Highfell earlier this week — on Tuesday, actually — and I’ve been recovering ever since. I know that I worked as hard as I could to get this manuscript in the best shape it could be in — even if it meant poring over it for twelve hours after a day at work, sacrificing sleep for another look through, and maybe eating a little less healthy than normal.
Okay — I’ll be fair. Eating mac ‘n’ cheese was no hardship.
Now that I’ve handed it over, I’m sure it’s rife with errors that I inserted last minute during some sleep-befuddled frenzy and that I’ve missed things just because I’ve become so involved in getting this book working that I’ve lost perspective. But I think all that’s normal for an author at this stage of the process. Probably the proofreader will catch a lot (thanks in advance!).
The reward — an uncorrected proof sent to me via email yesterday.
It kind of looks like…a really beautiful book.
I am so excited to have the opportunity to be able to share this with you all! And I am so honored — I have learned so much through the editing process when working with Blind Eye — and I’m thankful for all the work that Nicole Kimberling, Ginn Hale, and Dawn Kimberling put into making my manuscript the best it could be.

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